Check Out the Impact That YOU Are Making Possible!
Your support created connections and helped the All-Stars Club e x p a n d to serve even more individuals with disabilities.
We cannot thank you enough for your financial gifts which kept the All-Stars Club active and running throughout the pandemic. Thanks in large part to your generosity, we served over 300 All-Stars with virtual talent shows and dances. The All-Stars were thrilled to have this connection continue when so many of their other activities shut down. The virtual All-Stars Clubs helped combat isolation and loneliness and provided caregivers a few hours of respite in the midst of stressful times. (Read about Sonya’s story)
With your support, our momentum never stopped. We are excited to be back IN PERSON at two locations in the Denver metro area, serving 60 All-Stars each month. And now, we are preparing to expand into THREE new locations including our first-ever out-of-state location in LaGrange, Indiana on September 3rd.
Thank you again for helping the All-Stars Club achieve this level of success!