Susan Yoder shares how meaningful All-Stars Club has been for her daughter, Sonya

“Some of the toughest issues Sonya faced during the pandemic were isolation, boredom, fear, confusion, loss of relationships, favorite activities ceasing, and loss of routine. Of course, this had negative impacts upon me as well as her primary caregiver. We all missed the in-person fun so much during the pandemic and are grateful All-Stars is back in action providing loving, supporting, and creative fun for all the participants! It is wonderful to see all the familiar faces from the pre-pandemic days. It has been wonderful for Sonya to experience the activities and friendships the All-Stars provides. She especially enjoys the fellowship and being on stage dancing to great music. The impact All-Stars has had on our Sonya is she knows she has a community of people that provides her an abundant source of love, support and FUN. For her parents, it is an evening we look forward to as much as Sonya!”

“To all of you monthly supporters of the All-Stars, I would like to say thank you for your generosity to this amazing organization that is so dedicated to the lives of people with special needs and providing the parents with much appreciated respite. To Doctor Fix-It, I would like to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your generosity in supporting the All-Stars Club. Our lives have been so enriched by all the wonderful volunteers All-Stars attracts. Thank you!”