Our All-Stars tell us their favorite thing about our events is hanging out with their volunteer BUDDY. (Click Here to learn about the Buddy role). The time you give to an All-Star makes an enormous impact in their life and the life of their parents and caregivers. With just a few hours serving with us, you will make an immediate impact by:
*If you are looking to volunteer at a specific location, please visit our Locations page to select the site to submit your application.
“I think most people desire to make a difference in the world. All-Stars will not just allow you to make a difference in someone’s life, but also allow an All-Star to make a difference in your life. Plus you get unlimited fruit snacks.”
“The All-Stars have brought me into a whole new world of kindness, compassion, love and faith. Their pure hearts have challenged me to be a better person everyday. If I become a fraction of the kind of person they are, I’ll consider my life successful.”
“It’s impossible to be at All-Stars Club and not have MORE JOY”
“The program is amazing! The love poured over these amazing participants is wonderful and everyone has such a great time.”
Are you a member of a group that would like to volunteer together? The All-Stars Club is a perfect fit for groups up to 40 people to serve together – church groups, student groups, sports teams, families, and workplace employees, to name a few, have found our events to be fulfilling and fun!